Abteilung Neurochemie & Molekularbiologie

Die Abteilung Neurochemie & Molekularbiologie bestand von 1992 bis Dezember 2020.

Wie unterhalten sich Nervenzellen im Gehirn? Wie werden sie verschaltet und was geschieht, wenn sie falsch verdrahtet werden? Wie wird entschieden, welche Information gespeichert und welche vergessen wird? Wie halten sich Nervenzellen fit und was geschieht, wenn sie altern? Solchen und ähnlichen Fragen ist unsere Forschung gewidmet.

Die Kommunikation zwischen Nervenzellen erfolgt an mikroskopisch kleinen Verbindungen, den Synapsen. Während der Verschaltung des Gehirns müssen Synapsen entstehen, danach müssen sie funktionsfähig gehalten und beispielsweise im Verlauf von Lern- und Gedächtnisprozessen umgebaut werden. An diesen Vorgängen sind viele Moleküle in den Neuronen, auf derer Oberfläche sowie in der sie umgebenden extrazellulären Matrix beteiligt. In den verschiedenen eng miteinander kooperierenden Arbeitsgruppen der Abteilung werden die Funktionsweise von Synapsen, deren molekulare Zusammensetzung und deren Plastizität unter normalen physiologischen Bedingungen und bei krankheitsbedingter Fehlsteuerung untersucht.



  • Leiter


    Eckart D. Gundelfinger war Abteilungsleiter und bis Januar 2020 wissenschaftlicher Geschäftsführer des LIN. Er arbeitete zudem als Professor für molekulare Neurobiologie an der Medizinischen Fakultät der Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg und war einer der Sprecher des Center for Behavioral Brain Sciences (CBBS) in Magdeburg. Er studierte Biologie an der Universität Stuttgart, forschte für seine Doktorarbeit am Max-Planck-Institut für Biologie in Tübingen und war zwei Jahre als Postdoktorand am EMBL in Heidelberg tätig. 1984 begann er seine Forschung über molekulare Mechanismen von zentralnervösen Synapsen, zunächst als wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Zentrum für Molekularbiologie der Universität Heidelberg (ZMBH) bei Prof. Heinrich Betz und ab 1988 in seiner eigenen Gruppe am Zentrum für molekulare Neurobiologie in Hamburg (ZMNH). Ab 1992 leitete er die Abteilung für Neurochemie und Molekularbiologie am LIN. Die aktuelle Forschung konzentrierte sich auf molekulare Mechanismen der synaptischen Plastizität, die Lern- und Gedächtnisprozessen zugrunde liegen, sowie auf Pathomechanismen von synaptischen Fehlfunktionen im Gehirn (Synapthopathien).

  • Mitglieder (Stand 31.12.2020)

    Mitglieder (Stand 31.12.2020)

    Gundelfinger, Prof. Dr. Eckart D. +49-391-6263-93321, 93311eckart.gundelfinger@lin-magdeburg.de
    Rabe, Martina+49-391-6263-93311martina.rabe@lin-magdeburg.de
    Dr. Rodrigo Herrera-Molina+49-391-6263-93391rodrigo.herrera-molina@lin-magdeburg.de
    Prof. Dr. Constanze Seidenbecher+49-391-6263-92401constanze.seidenbecher@lin-magdeburg.de
    Dr. Ulrich Thomas+49-391-6263-93231ulrich.thomas@lin-magdeburg.de
    Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter  
    Dr. Rainer Pielot+49-391-6263-93391rainer.pielot@lin-magdeburg.de
    Armand Blondiaux+49-391-6263-93341armand.blondiaux@lin-magdeburg.de
    Wilhelm Hußler (can med.)+49 391 6263 93341Wilhelm.Hussler@lin-magdeburg.de
    Xiao Lin+49-176-58754669xiao.lin@lin-magdeburg.de
    Ayse Malci+49-391-6263-93351ayse.malci@lin-magdeburg.de
    Jana Schulze+49-391-6263-93341jana.schulze@lin-magdeburg.de
    Nikhil Tiwari+49-391-6263-93351nikhil.tiwari@lin-magdeburg.de
    Technische Mitarbeiter und Laborservice  
    Kathrin Hartung+49-391-6263-93191kathrin.hartung@lin-magdeburg.de
    Katharina Dragendorf+49-391-6263-93261kdragend@lin-magdeburg.de
    Chris Theuerkauf+49-391-6263-94282chris.theuerkauf@lin-magdeburg.de
    Diana Walther+49-391-6263-93261dwalther@lin-magdeburg.de
    Kathrin Pohlmann+49-391-6263-94341Kathrin Pohlmann@lin-magdeburg.de
    Assoziierte Mitglieder  
    Dr. Renato Frischknecht renato.frischknecht@fau.de
    Dr. Wolfgang Tischmeyer (seit 04/2020)+49-391-6263-94291tischi@lin-magdeburg.de
    Dr. Karl-Heinz Smalla+49-391-6263-94291smalla@lin-magdeburg.de
    Dr. Carolina Montenegro, CBBS LSA fellow+49-391-6263-93341carolina.montenegro@lin-magdeburg.de
    Dr. Anil Annamneedi, CBBS LSA fellow+49-391-6263-93371anil.annamneedi@lin-magdeburg.de
    Klaus Reymann, Emeritus (seit 02/2017)  


  • Projekte


    Gehirnfunktionen wie Lernen und Gedächtnis basieren auf der Leistungsfähigkeit chemischer Synapsen, d.h. auf der Dynamik und Plastizität dieser hoch spezialisierten Zellkontakte. Die Forschung in der Abteilung befasst sich mit molekularen und zellulären Mechanismen synaptischer Plastizität im gesunden und deren Fehlfunktionen im erkrankten Gehirn. Forschungsschwerpunkte sind:

  • Drittmittelprojekte


    DFG SFB 779 "Neurobiologie motivierten Verhaltens"

    DFG SFB 854 "Molekulare Organisation der zellulären Kommunikation im Immunsystem"

    European Commission "Innovative Training Network ECMED"

    DFG GRK 2413 SynAGE

    "Die alternde Synapse – molekulare, zelluläre und verhaltensbiologische Mechanismen des kognitiven Leistungsabfalls"

    BMBF-FONDECYT/Chile "PrePlastic"

    European Commission / ESF "Graduate School ABINEP"

    China Scholarship Council (CSC), PhD fellowship

    Leibniz-SAS, CBBS-ScienceCampus

  • Publikationen


    Ausgewählte Publikationen

    Bhattacharya S, Herrera-Molina R, Sabanov V, Ahmed T, Iscru E, Stöber F, Richter K, Fischer KD, Angenstein F, Goldschmidt J, Beesley PW, Balschun D, Smalla KH, Gundelfinger ED, Montag D. 2017. Genetically induced retrograde amnesia of associative memories after neuroplastin ablation. Biological Psychiatry. 81(2):124-135. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biopsych.2016.03.2107

    Davydova D, Marini C, King C, Klueva J, Bischof F, Romorini S, Montenegro-Venegas C, Heine M, Schneider R, Schroeder M, Altrock WD, Henneberger C, Rusakov DA, Gundelfinger ED, Fejtova A. 2014. Bassoon specifically controls presynaptic P/Q-type Ca2+ channels via RIM-binding protein. Neuron. 82(1):181-194. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuron.2014.02.012

    Erdmann I, Marter K, Kobler O, Niehues S, Mueller A, Abele J, Storkebaum E, Thomas U, Dieterich D. 2017. Cell Type-specific Metabolic Labeling of Proteins with Azidonorleucine in Drosophila. Bio-protocol. 2017(07-14). https://doi.org/10.21769/BioProtoc.2397

    Happel MFK, Niekisch H, Castiblanco Rivera LL, Ohl FW, Deliano M, Frischknecht R. 2014. Enhanced cognitive flexibility in reversal learning induced by removal of the extracellular matrix in auditory cortex. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 111(7):2800-2805. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1310272111

    Herrera Molina R, Sarto-Jackson I, Montenegro-Venegas C, Heine M, Smalla KH, Seidenbecher CI, Beesley PW, Gundelfinger ED, Montag D. 2014. Structure of excitatory synapses and GABA A receptor localization at inhibitory synapses are regulated by neuroplastin-65. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 289(13):8973-8988. https://doi.org/10.1074/jbc.M113.514992

    Ivanova D, Dirks A, Montenegro-Venegas C, Schöne C, Altrock WD, Marini C, Frischknecht R, Schanze D, Zenker M, Gundelfinger ED, Fejtova A. 2015. Synaptic activity controls localization and function of CtBP1 via binding to Bassoon and Piccolo. EMBO Journal. 34(8):1056-1077. https://doi.org/10.15252/embj.201488796

    Koopmans F, van Nierop P, Andres-Alonso M, Byrnes A, Cijsouw T, Coba MP, Cornelisse LN, Farrell RJ, Goldschmidt HL, Howrigan DP, Hussain NK, Imig C, de Jong APH, Jung H, Kohansalnodehi M, Kramarz B, Lipstein N, Lovering RC, MacGillavry H, Mariano V, Mi H, Ninov M, Osumi-Sutherland D, Pielot R, Smalla K-H, Tang H, Tashman K, Toonen RFG, Verpelli C, Reig-Viader R, Watanabe K, van Weering J, Achsel T, Ashrafi G, Asi N, Brown TC, De Camilli P, Feuermann M, Foulger RE, Gaudet P, Joglekar A, Kanellopoulos A, Malenka R, Nicoll RA, Pulido C, de Juan-Sanz J, Sheng M, Südhof TC, Tilgner HU, Bagni C, Bayés À, Biederer T, Brose N, Chua JJE, Dieterich DC, Gundelfinger ED, Hoogenraad C, Huganir RL, Jahn R, Kaeser PS, Kim E, Kreutz MR, McPherson PS, Neale BM, O'Connor V, Posthuma D, Ryan TA, Sala C, Feng G, Hyman SE, Thomas PD, Smit AB, Verhage M. 2019. SynGO: An Evidence-Based, Expert-Curated Knowledge Base for the Synapse. Neuron. 103(2):217-234.e4. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuron.2019.05.002

    Lang D, Schott BH, van Ham M, Morton L, Kulikovskaja L, Herrera-Molina R, Pielot R, Klawonn F, Montag D, Jänsch L, Gundelfinger ED, Smalla KH*, Dunay IR*. 2018. Chronic Toxoplasma infection is associated with distinct alterations in the synaptic protein composition. Journal of Neuroinflammation. 15(1). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12974-018-1242-1    *equal contribution

    Okerlund ND, Schneider K, Leal-Ortiz SA, Montenegro-Venegas C, Kim SA, Garner LC, Gundelfinger ED, Reimer RJ, Garner CC. 2017. Bassoon Controls Presynaptic Autophagy through Atg5. Neuron. 93(4):897-913.e7. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuron.2017.01.026

    Schattling B, Engler JB, Volkmann C, Rothammer N, Woo MS, Petersen M, Winkler I, Kaufmann M, Rosenkranz SC, Fejtova A, Thomas U, Bose A, Bauer S, Träger S, Miller KK, Brück W, Duncan KE, Salinas G, Soba P, Gundelfinger ED, Merkler D, Friese MA. 2019. Bassoon proteinopathy drives neurodegeneration in multiple sclerosis. Nature Neuroscience. 22(6):887-896. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41593-019-0385-4

    Alle Publikationen der Abteilung


    Montenegro-Venegas C, Fienko S, Anni D, Pina-Fernández E, Frischknecht R, Fejtova A. 2020. Bassoon inhibits proteasome activity via interaction with PSMB4. Cell Mol Life Sci. doi: 10.1007/s00018-020-03590-z. Online ahead of print. PMID: 32651614

    Meltendorf S, Fu H, Pierau M, Lindquist JA, Finzel S, Mertens PR, Gieseler-Halbach S, Ambach A, Thomas U, Lingel H, Voll RE, Brunner-Weinzierl MC. 2020. Failure of upregulation of the cold shock Y-box protein-1 in effector T-cells of systemic lupus erythematosus patients averts cell survival. Arthritis & rheumatology (Hoboken, N.J.). https://doi.org/10.1002/art.41382

    Bikbaev A, Ciuraszkiewicz A, Heck J, Klatt O, Freund R, Mitlöhner J, Lacalle SE, Sun M, Repetto D, Frischknecht R, Rohlmann A, Missler M, Obermair GJ, Di Biase V, Heine M. 2020. Auxiliary α2δ1 and α2δ3 subunits of calcium channels drive excitatory and inhibitory neuronal network development. Journal of Neuroscience. 40(25):4824-4841. https://doi.org/10.1523/JNEUROSCI.1707-19.2020

    Hoffmann-Conaway S, Brockmann MM, Schneider K, Annamneedi A, Rahman KA, Bruns C, Textoris-Taube K, Trimbuch T, Smalla K-H, Rosenmund C, Gundelfinger ED, Garner CC, Montenegro-Venegas C. 2020. Parkin contributes to synaptic vesicle autophagy in Bassoon-deficient mice. eLife. 9:1-30. https://doi.org/10.7554/eLife.56590

    Deane KE, Brunk MGK, Curran AW, Zempeltzi MM, Ma J, Lin X, Abela F, Aksit S, Deliano M, Ohl FW, Happel MFK. 2020. Ketamine anaesthesia induces gain enhancement via recurrent excitation in granular input layers of the auditory cortex. Journal of Physiology. 598(13):2741-2755. https://doi.org/10.1113/JP279705

    Luarte A, Henzi R, Fernández A, Gaete D, Cisternas P, Pizarro M, Batiz LF, Villalobos I, Masalleras M, Vergara R, Varas-Godoy M, Abarzua-Catalan L, Herrera-Molina R, Lafourcade C, Wyneken U. 2020. Astrocyte-Derived Small Extracellular Vesicles Regulate Dendritic Complexity through miR-26a-5p Activity. Cells. 9(4):Article 930. https://doi.org/10.3390/cells9040930

    Vemula SK, Malci A, Junge L, Lehmann A-C, Rama R, Hradsky J, Matute RA, Weber A, Prigge M, Naumann M, Kreutz MR, Seidenbecher CI, Gundelfinger ED, Herrera-Molina R. 2020. TRAF6 controls spinogenesis instructing synapse density and neuronal activity through binding neuroplastin. bioRxiv. https://doi.org/10.1101/768341

    Ivanova D, Imig C, Camacho M, Reinhold A, Guhathakurta D, Montenegro-Venegas C, Cousin MA, Gundelfinger ED, Rosenmund C, Cooper B, Fejtova A. 2020. CtBP1-Mediated Membrane Fission Contributes to Effective Recycling of Synaptic Vesicles. Cell Reports. 30(7):2444-2459.e7. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.celrep.2020.01.079

    Distler U, Schumann S, Kesseler H-G, Pielot R, Smalla K-H, Sielaff M, Schmeisser MJ, Tenzer S. 2020. Proteomic Analysis of Brain Region and Sex-Specific Synaptic Protein Expression in the Adult Mouse Brain. Cells. 9(2):Article 313. https://doi.org/10.3390/cells9020313

    Mitlöhner J, Kaushik R, Niekisch H, Blondiaux A, Gee CE, Happel MFK, Gundelfinger E, Dityatev A, Frischknecht R, Seidenbecher C. 2020. Dopamine Receptor Activation Modulates the Integrity of the Perisynaptic Extracellular Matrix at Excitatory Synapses. Cells. 9(2):Article 260. https://doi.org/10.3390/cells9020260

    Caviedes A, Maturana B, Corvalan K, Engler A, Gordillo F, Varas-Godoy M, Smalla K-H, Batiz LF, Lafourcade C, Kaehne T, Wyneken U. 2020. The eNOS-dependent S-nitrosylation of the NF-κB subunit p65 has neuroprotective consequences in excitotoxicity. bioRxiv. https://doi.org/10.1101/2020.02.04.932772


    Andres-Alonso M, Ammar MR, Butnaru I, Gomes GM, Acuña Sanhueza G, Raman R, Yuanxiang P, Borgmeyer M, Lopez-Rojas J, Raza SA, Brice N, Hausrat TJ, Macharadze T, Diaz-Gonzalez S, Carlton M, Failla AV, Stork O, Schweizer M, Gundelfinger ED, Kneussel M, Spilker C, Karpova A, Kreutz MR. 2019. SIPA1L2 controls trafficking and local signaling of TrkB-containing amphisomes at presynaptic terminals. Nature Communications. 10(1):Article 5448. doi.org/10.1038/s41467-019-13224-z

    Arancibia D, Lira M, Cruz Y, Barrera DP, Montenegro-Venegas C, Godoy JA, Garner CC, Inestrosa NC, Gundelfinger ED, Zamorano P, Torres VI. 2019. Serine-Arginine Protein Kinase SRPK2 Modulates the Assembly of the Active Zone Scaffolding Protein CAST1/ERC2. Cells. 8(11). https://doi.org/10.3390/cells8111333

    Bordone MP, Salman MM, Titus HE, Amini E, Andersen JV, Chakraborti B, Diuba AV, Dubouskaya TG, Ehrke E, Freitas AE, Freitas GB, Gonçalves RA, Gupta D, Gupta R, Ha SR, Hemming IA, Jaggar M, Jakobsen E, Kumari P, Lakkappa N, L Marsh AP, Mitlöhner J, Ogawa Y, Paidi RK, Ribeiro FC, Salamian A, Saleem S, Sharma S, Silva JM, Singh S, Sulakhiya K, Tefera TW, Vafadari B, Yadav A, Yamazaki R, Seidenbecher CI. 2019. The energetic brain - A review from students to students. Journal of Neurochemistry. 151(2):139-165. https://doi.org/10.1111/jnc.14829

    Heck J*, Parutto P*, Ciuraszkiewicz A, Bikbaev A, Freund R, Mitlöhner J, Alonso M, Fejtova A, Holcman D, Heine M. 2019. Transient Confinement of CaV2.1 Ca2+-Channel Splice Variants Shapes Synaptic Short-Term Plasticity. Neuron. 103(1):66-79.e12. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuron.2019.04.030                        *equal contribution

    Ilic K, Auer B, Mlinac-Jerkovic K, Herrera-Molina R. 2019. Neuronal Signaling by Thy-1 in Nanodomains With Specific Ganglioside Composition: Shall We Open the Door to a New Complexity?. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology. 7:Article 27. https://doi.org/10.3389/fcell.2019.00027

    Koopmans F, van Nierop P, Andres-Alonso M, Byrnes A, Cijsouw T, Coba MP, Cornelisse LN, Farrell RJ, Goldschmidt HL, Howrigan DP, Hussain NK, Imig C, de Jong APH, Jung H, Kohansalnodehi M, Kramarz B, Lipstein N, Lovering RC, MacGillavry H, Mariano V, Mi H, Ninov M, Osumi-Sutherland D, Pielot R, Smalla K-H, Tang H, Tashman K, Toonen RFG, Verpelli C, Reig-Viader R, Watanabe K, van Weering J, Achsel T, Ashrafi G, Asi N, Brown TC, De Camilli P, Feuermann M, Foulger RE, Gaudet P, Joglekar A, Kanellopoulos A, Malenka R, Nicoll RA, Pulido C, de Juan-Sanz J, Sheng M, Südhof TC, Tilgner HU, Bagni C, Bayés À, Biederer T, Brose N, Chua JJE, Dieterich DC, Gundelfinger ED, Hoogenraad C, Huganir RL, Jahn R, Kaeser PS, Kim E, Kreutz MR, McPherson PS, Neale BM, O'Connor V, Posthuma D, Ryan TA, Sala C, Feng G, Hyman SE, Thomas PD, Smit AB, Verhage M. 2019. SynGO: An Evidence-Based, Expert-Curated Knowledge Base for the Synapse. Neuron. 103(2):217-234.e4. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuron.2019.05.002

    Lira M, Arancibia D, Orrego PR, Montenegro-Venegas C, Cruz Y, García J, Leal-Ortiz S, Godoy JA, Gundelfinger ED, Inestrosa NC, Garner CC, Zamorano P, Torres VI. 2019. The Exocyst Component Exo70 Modulates Dendrite Arbor Formation, Synapse Density, and Spine Maturation in Primary Hippocampal Neurons. Molecular Neurobiology. 56(7):4620-4638. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12035-018-1378-0

    Marter K, Kobler O, Erdmann I, Soleimanpour E, Landgraf P, Mueller A, Abele J, Thomas U, Dieterich D. 2019. Click Chemistry (CuAAC) and Detection of Tagged de novo Synthesized Proteins in Drosophila. Bio-protocol. 9(2). https://doi.org/10.21769/BioProtoc.3142

    Niekisch H, Steinhardt J, Berghäuser J, Bertazzoni S, Kaschinski E, Kasper J, Kisse M, Mitlöhner J, Singh JB, Weber J, Frischknecht R, Happel MFK. 2019. Learning induces transient upregulation of brevican in the auditory cortex during consolidation of long-term memories. Journal of Neuroscience. 39(36):7049-7060. https://doi.org/10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2499-18.2019

    Schattling B, Engler JB, Volkmann C, Rothammer N, Woo MS, Petersen M, Winkler I, Kaufmann M, Rosenkranz SC, Fejtova A, Thomas U, Bose A, Bauer S, Träger S, Miller KK, Brück W, Duncan KE, Salinas G, Soba P, Gundelfinger ED, Merkler D, Friese MA. 2019. Bassoon proteinopathy drives neurodegeneration in multiple sclerosis. Nature Neuroscience. 22(6):887-896. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41593-019-0385-4

    Schicknick H, Henschke JU, Budinger E, Ohl FW, Gundelfinger ED, Tischmeyer W. 2019. β-adrenergic modulation of discrimination learning and memory in the auditory cortex. European Journal of Neuroscience. 50(7):3141-3163. https://doi.org/10.1111/ejn.14480

    Schott BH, Wüstenberg T, Lücke E, Pohl IM, Richter A, Seidenbecher CI, Pollmann S, Kizilirmak JM, Richardson-Klavehn A. 2019. Gradual acquisition of visuospatial associative memory representations via the dorsal precuneus. Human Brain Mapping. 40(5):1554-1570. https://doi.org/10.1002/hbm.24467

    Xia Z, Arias-Gil G, Deckert M, Vollmer M, Curran A, Herrera-Molina R, Brosch M, Krug K, Schmidt B, Ohl FW, Lippert MT, Takagaki K. 2019. Electrochemical Roughening and Carbon Nanotube Coating of Tetrodes for Chronic Single-Unit Recording. bioRxiv. https://doi.org/10.1101/738245


    Annamneedi A, Caliskan G, Müller S, Montag D, Budinger E, Angenstein F, Fejtova A, Tischmeyer W, Gundelfinger ED, Stork O. 2018. Ablation of the presynaptic organizer Bassoon in excitatory neurons retards dentate gyrus maturation and enhances learning performance. Brain Structure and Function. 223(7):3423-3445. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00429-018-1692-3

    Bruna B, Lobos P, Herrera-Molina R, Hidalgo C, Paula-Lima A, Adasme T. 2018. The signaling pathways underlying BDNF-induced Nrf2 hippocampal nuclear translocation involve ROS, RyR-Mediated Ca2+ signals, ERK and PI3K. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 505(1):201-207. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bbrc.2018.09.080

    Colic L, Li M, Demenescu LR, Li S, Müller I, Richter A, Behnisch G, Seidenbecher CI, Speck O, Schott BH, Stork O, Walter M. 2018. GAD65 promoter polymorphism rs2236418 modulates harm avoidance in women via inhibition/excitation balance in the rostral ACC. Journal of Neuroscience. 38(22):5067-5077. https://doi.org/10.1523/JNEUROSCI.1985-17.2018

    Lagos-Cabré R, Brenet M, Díaz J, Pérez RD, Pérez LA, Herrera-Molina R, Quest AFG, Leyton L. 2018. Intracellular ca2+ increases and connexin 43 hemichannel opening are necessary but not sufficient for thy-1-induced astrocyte migration. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 19(8). https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms19082179

    Lang D, Schott BH, van Ham M, Morton L, Kulikovskaja L, Herrera-Molina R, Pielot R, Klawonn F, Montag D, Jänsch L, Gundelfinger ED, Smalla KH*, Dunay IR*. 2018. Chronic Toxoplasma infection is associated with distinct alterations in the synaptic protein composition. Journal of Neuroinflammation. 15(1). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12974-018-1242-1    *equal contribution

    Pandya NJ, Seeger C, Babai N, Gonzalez-Lozano MA, Mack V, Lodder JC, Gouwenberg Y, Mansvelder HD, Danielson UH, Li KW, Heine M, Spijker S, Frischknecht R, Smit AB. 2018. Noelin1 Affects Lateral Mobility of Synaptic AMPA Receptors. Cell Reports. 24(5):1218-1230. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.celrep.2018.06.102


    Altmüller F*, Pothula S*, Annamneedi A, Nakhei-Rad S, Montenegro-Venegas C, Pina-Fernández E, Marini C, Santos M, Schanze D, Montag D, Ahmadian MR, Stork O, Zenker M, Fejtova A. 2017. Aberrant neuronal activity-induced signaling and gene expression in a mouse model of RASopathy. PLoS Genetics. 13(3). https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pgen.1006684            *equal contribution

    Bhattacharya S, Herrera-Molina R, Sabanov V, Ahmed T, Iscru E, Stöber F, Richter K, Fischer KD, Angenstein F, Goldschmidt J, Beesley PW, Balschun D, Smalla KH, Gundelfinger ED, Montag D. 2017. Genetically induced retrograde amnesia of associative memories after neuroplastin ablation. Biological Psychiatry. 81(2):124-135. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biopsych.2016.03.2107

    Gieseler-Halbach S, Meltendorf S, Pierau M, Weinert S, Heidel FH, Fischer T, Handschuh J, Braun-Dullaeus RC, Schrappe M, Lindquist JA, Mertens PR, Thomas U, Brunner-Weinzierl MC. 2017. RSK-mediated nuclear accumulation of the cold-shock Y-box protein-1 controls proliferation of T cells and T-ALL blasts. Cell Death and Differentiation. 24(2):371-383. https://doi.org/10.1038/cdd.2016.141

    Herrera-Molina R, Mlinac-Jerkovic K, Ilic K, Stöber F, Vemula SK, Sandoval M, Milosevic NJ, Simic G, Smalla KH, Goldschmidt J, Bognar SK, Montag D. 2017. Neuroplastin deletion in glutamatergic neurons impairs selective brain functions and calcium regulation: Implication for cognitive deterioration. Scientific Reports. 7(1). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-017-07839-9

    Kawabe H, Mitkovski M, Kaeser PS, Hirrlinger J, Opazo F, Nestvogel D, Kalla S, Fejtova A, Verrier SE, Bungers SR, Cooper BH, Varoqueaux F, Wang Y, Nehring RB, Gundelfinger ED, Rosenmund C, Rizzoli SO, Südhof TC, Rhee J-S, Brose N. 2017. ELKS1 localizes the synaptic vesicle priming protein bMunc13-2 to a specific subset of active zones. Journal of Cell Biology. 216(4):1143-1161. https://doi.org/10.1083/jcb.201606086

    Korthals M, Langnaese K, Smalla KH, Kähne T, Herrera-Molina R, Handschuh J, Lehmann AC, Mamula D, Naumann M, Seidenbecher C, Zuschratter W, Tedford K, Gundelfinger ED, Montag D, Fischer KD, Thomas U. 2017. A complex of Neuroplastin and Plasma Membrane Ca2+ ATPase controls T cell activation. Scientific Reports. 7(1). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-017-08519-4

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    Heyden A, Ionescu MCS, Romorini S, Kracht B, Ghiglieri V, Calabresi P, Seidenbecher C, Angenstein F, Gundelfinger ED. 2011. Hippocampal enlargement in Bassoon-mutant mice is associated with enhanced neurogenesis, reduced apoptosis, and abnormal BDNF levels. Cell and Tissue Research. 346(1):11-26. Available from: 10.1007/s00441-011-1233-3

    Lazarevic V, Schöne C, Heine M, Gundelfinger ED, Fejtova A. 2011. Extensive remodeling of the presynaptic cytomatrix upon homeostatic adaptation to network activity silencing. Journal of Neuroscience. 31(28):10189-10200. Available from: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2088-11.2011

    Popiolek M, Ross JF, Charych E, Chanda P, Gundelfinger ED, Moss SJ, Brandon NJ, Pausch MH. 2011. D-amino acid oxidase activity is inhibited by an interaction with bassoon protein at the presynaptic active zone. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 286(33):28867-28875. Available from: 10.1074/jbc.M111.262063

    Pyka M, Busse C, Seidenbecher C, Gundelfinger ED, Faissner A. 2011. Astrocytes are crucial for survival and maturation of embryonic hippocampal neurons in a neuron-glia cell-insert coculture assay. Synapse. 65(1):41-53. Available from: 10.1002/syn.20816

    Richter S, Gorny X, Marco-Pallares J, Krämer UM, Machts J, Barman A, Bernstein HG, Schüle R, Schöls L, Rodriguez-Fornells A, Reissner C, Wüstenberg T, Heinze HJ, Gundelfinger ED, Düzel E, Münte TF, Seidenbecher CI, Schott BH. 2011. A potential role for a genetic variation of AKAP5 in human aggression and anger control. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 5(DEC). Available from: 10.3389/fnhum.2011.00175

    Sandoval R, González A, Caviedes A, Pancetti F, Smalla KH, Kaehne T, Michea L, Gundelfinger ED, Wyneken U. 2011. Homeostatic NMDA receptor down-regulation via brain derived neurotrophic factor and nitric oxide-dependent signalling in cortical but not in hippocampal neurons. Journal of Neurochemistry. 118(5):760-772. Available from: 10.1111/j.1471-4159.2011.07365.x

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    Bachmann A, Kobler O, Kittel RJ, Wichmann C, Sierralta J, Sigrist SJ, Gundelfinger ED, Knust E, Thomas U. 2010. A perisynaptic ménage à trois between Dlg, DLin-7, and metro controls proper organization of Drosophila synaptic junctions. Journal of Neuroscience. 30(17):5811-5824. Available from: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0778-10.2010

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    Dondzillo A, Sätzler K, Horstmann H, Altrock WD, Gundelfinger ED, Kuner T. 2010. Targeted three-dimensional immunohistochemistry reveals localization of presynaptic proteins Bassoon and Piccolo in the rat calyx of held before and after the onset of hearing. Journal of Comparative Neurology. 518(7):1008-1029. Available from: 10.1002/cne.22260

    Faissner A, Pyka M, Geissler M, Sobik T, Frischknecht R, Gundelfinger ED, Seidenbecher C. 2010. Contributions of astrocytes to synapse formation and maturation - Potential functions of the perisynaptic extracellular matrix. Brain Research Reviews. 63(1-2):26-38. Available from: 10.1016/j.brainresrev.2010.01.001

    Fejtova A, Schmidt H, Weyhersmüller A, Silver RA, Gundelfinger ED, Eilers J. 2010. Bassoon speeds vesicle reloading at a central excitatory synapse. Neuron. 68(4):710-723. Available from: 10.1016/j.neuron.2010.10.026

    Frank T, Rutherford MA, Strenzke N, Neef A, Pangršič T, Khimich D, Fejtová A, Gundelfinger ED, Liberman MC, Harke B, Bryan KE, Lee A, Egner A, Riedel D, Moser T. 2010. Bassoon and the synaptic ribbon organize Ca2+ channels and vesicles to add release sites and promote refilling. Neuron. 68(4):724-738. Available from: 10.1016/j.neuron.2010.10.027

    Ghiglieri V, Sgobio C, Patassini S, Bagetta V, Fejtova A, Giampá C, Marinucci S, Heyden A, Gundelfinger ED, Fusco FR, Calabresi P, Picconi B. 2010. TrkB/BDNF-dependent striatal plasticity and behavior in a genetic model of epilepsy: Modulation by valproic acid. Neuropsychopharmacology. 35(7):1531-1540. Available from: 10.1038/npp.2010.23

    Goetze B, Schmidt KF, Lehmann K, Altrock WD, Gundelfinger ED, Löwel S. 2010. Vision and visual cortical maps in mice with a photoreceptor synaptopathy: Reduced but robust visual capabilities in the absence of synaptic ribbons. NeuroImage. 49(2):1622-1631. Available from: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2009.10.019

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    Lanore F, Blanchet C, Fejtova A, Pinheiro P, Richter K, Balschun D, Gundelfinger E, Mulle C. 2010. Impaired development of hippocampal mossy fibre synapses in mouse mutants for the presynaptic scaffold protein Bassoon. Journal of Physiology. 588(12):2133-2145. Available from: 10.1113/jphysiol.2009.184929

    Lau T, Schneidt T, Heimann F, Gundelfinger ED, Schloss P. 2010. Somatodendritic serotonin release and re-uptake in mouse embryonic stem cell-derived serotonergic neurons. Neurochemistry International. 57(8):969-978. Available from: 10.1016/j.neuint.2010.10.003

    Scharfe M, Pielot R, Schreiber F. 2010. Fast multi-core based multimodal registration of 2D cross-sections and 3D datasets. BMC Bioinformatics. 11. Available from: 10.1186/1471-2105-11-20

    Schott BH, Frischknecht R, Debska-Vielhaber G, John N, Behnisch G, Düzel E, Gundelfinger ED, Seidenbecher CI. 2010. Membrane-bound catechol-O-methyl transferase in cortical neurons and glial cells is intracellularly oriented. Frontiers in Psychiatry. 1(OCT). Available from: 10.3389/fpsyt.2010.00142

    Sgobio C, Ghiglieri V, Costa C, Bagetta V, Siliquini S, Barone I, Di Filippo M, Gardoni F, Gundelfinger ED, Di Luca M, Picconi B, Calabresi P. 2010. Hippocampal Synaptic Plasticity, Memory, and Epilepsy: Effects of Long-Term Valproic Acid Treatment. Biological Psychiatry. 67(6):567-574. Available from: 10.1016/j.biopsych.2009.11.008

    Thomas U, Kobler O, Gundelfinger ED. 2010. The Drosophila larval neuromuscular junction as a model for scaffold complexes at glutamatergic synapses: Benefits and limitations. Journal of Neurogenetics. 24(3):109-119. Available from: 10.3109/01677063.2010.493589


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