Forschungsgruppe Vergleichende Neurowissenschaften

Das übergreifende Ziel der Forschungsgruppe Vergleichende Neurowissenschaft ist es, die neuronalen Mechanismen zu verstehen, die der zeitlichen Integration von auditiver Information zugrunde liegen. Zu diesem Zweck verwenden wir einen vergleichenden Ansatz mit komplementären Messungen der Aktivität großer neuronaler Populationen im auditorischen Kortex und verwandter Hirnstrukturen mit gleichzeitigen Magnetoenzephalographie- (MEG) und Elektroenzephalographie- (EEG) Aufnahmen vom Menschen und von kleinen Populationen, die durch intrakranielle Mikroelektroden-Aufnahmen von nichtmenschlichen Primaten gewonnen werden. Dementsprechend erstrecken sich unsere experimentellen Daten über mehrere Beobachtungsebenen, von der neuronalen Massenaktivität großer neuronaler Populationen über lokale Feldpotenziale kleiner Populationen bis hin zur Spiking-Aktivität einzelner Neuronen. Wir entwickeln komplementäre experimentelle Ansätze, die so konzipiert sind, dass sie sowohl auf Studien mit Menschen als auch mit Affen anwendbar sind. Um die Lücke zwischen der Forschung an Mensch und Tier noch weiter zu schließen, bilden wir intra- und extrakranielle Messungen der neuronalen Aktivität mit Hilfe von Rechenmodellen der Signalverarbeitung im auditorischen Kortex aufeinander ab.

  • Leiter


    Michael Brosch hat Physik an den Universitäten Bielefeld und Marburg studiert. Anschließend hat er an der Universität Marburg im Fachbereich Physik in der Abteilung Biophysik promoviert. Danach hat er als Postdoc an der University of California in San Francisco gearbeitet. Seit 1995 ist Michael Brosch Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am LIN und hat sich 2006 an der OVGU habilitiert. Seit 2009 hat er das Speziallabor "Primatenneurobiologie" am LIN geleitet. Seit 2020 leitet er gemeinsam mit Reinhard König die Forschungsgruppe Comparative Neuroscience.

    Reinhard König war seit 2004 Co-Leiter des Speziallabors Nicht-Invasive Bildgebung und verantwortlich für die Magnetenzephalographie (MEG). Er erhielt 1987 sein Diplom in Physik an der Universität Bayreuth, wo er auch 1993 promovierte und sich 2000 habilitierte. Er war Postdoktorand an der physikalischen Fakultät der University of Nottingham (1994-1996) und Gastwissenschaftler an der Brain Research Unit der Helsinki University of Technology (2001-2002). Seine Forschungsinteressen umfassen Gedächtnisprozesse des menschlichen Gehirns, mit Schwerpunkt auf dem auditorischen Kortex, sowie die Entwicklung und Anwendung von Methoden und Techniken zur Verarbeitung und Analyse biomagnetischer Signale. Ein weiteres wesentliches Element seiner Forschungsarbeiten ist die rechnergestützte Modellierung der Signalverarbeitung im Hörkortex, die auch Bestandteil eines Projektes zur Ökostrom-Gewinnung mittels Ozeanwellen ist.

  • Mitglieder


    Prof. Dr. Brosch, Michael+49-391-6263-
    PD Dr. König, Reinhard+49-391-6263-
    Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter  
    Dr. Huang, Ying+49-391-6263-
    Dr Matysiak, Artur+49-391-6263-
    Dr. Aryo Zare49 391 6263
    Dar, Asim Hassan+49-391-6263-
    Hajizadeh, Aida+49-391-6263-
    Härtwich, Nina+49-391-6263-
    Ma, Jing+49-391-6263-
    Rathi, Sanchit+49-391-6263-
    Thiruppathi, Vighneshvel+49-391-6263-
    Dr. Patrick May (LIN-Fellow)+44 (0)1524


  • Drittmittelprojekte


    DFG (Brosch, König, May):
    “In Search of the Neural Underpinnings of Temporal Binding: Linking Synaptic Depression with Neural Adaptation in Auditory Cortex”


    CBBS Network (Huang)
    Dopaminergic modulation of working memory-related persistent neuronal activity in auditory cortex: from molecules to behaviour” (with J. Pakan & M. Yoshida, DZNE)


    Leibniz Network (König, Wolfrum, May)
    "Mathematical Modeling and Simulations": MMS Seed Money Grant "Dynamics of signal processing in auditory cortex: Combining computational modelling with mathematical principles"


    EU-Horizon2020 Research and Innovation Programme (König, May)
    “Developing the PTO of the first MW-level Oscillating Wave Surge Converter (MegaRoller)”


    Graduate scholarship of the state Saxony-Anhalt (Härtwich)
    “Investigating the effect of anatomical structure in the auditory cortex of gerbil, monkey, and human on auditory sensory memory”


    DAAD/PPP Polen (König)
    “Neural Adaptation Studied with MEG and Advanced Statistical Methods”


    Alexander von Humboldt Polish Honorary Research Scholarship of the Foundation for Polish Science (König)


    Chinese Scholarship Council (Ma)
    “Task dependence of stimulus adaptation in the auditory cortex of Mongolian gerbils”


    2012–2015 & 2016–2017
    DFG (Heil, Brosch, König)
    “Neuronal correlates of sensory working memory in the auditory cortex of humans and monkeys”


    DFG SFB-TR 31 (Brosch, Brechmann, Scheich)
    “Neuronale Korrelate von Streaming im auditorischen Kortex von Mensch und Makaken“


    DFG SFB 77 (Brosch, Scheich)
    "Motivationsabhängige Konzeptbildungsprozesse im Hörkortex von Makaken"


  • Publikationen


    Ausgewählte Publikationen

    Deliano M, Tabelow K, König R, Polzehl J. 2016. Improving accuracy and temporal resolution of learning curve estimation for within- and across-session analysis. PLoS ONE. 11(6).

    Hajizadeh A, Matysiak A, May PJC, König R. 2019. Explaining event-related fields by a mechanistic model encapsulating the anatomical structure of auditory cortex. Biological Cybernetics. 113(3):321-345.

    Huang Y, Heil P, Brosch M. 2019. Associations between sounds and actions in early auditory cortex of nonhuman primates. eLife. 8:Article e43281.

    Huang Y, Matysiak A, Heil P, König R, Brosch M. 2016. Persistent neural activity in auditory cortex is related to auditory working memory in humans and nonhuman primates. eLife. 5(JULY).

    König R, Matysiak A, Kordecki W, Sieluzycki C, Zacharias N, Heil P. 2015. Averaging auditory evoked magnetoencephalographic and electroencephalographic responses: A critical discussion. European Journal of Neuroscience. 41(5):631-640.

    Kordowski P,Matysiak A, König R, Sielużycki C. 2017. Simultaneous spatio-temporal matching pursuit decomposition of evoked brain responses in MEG. Biological Cybernetics. 111(1):69-89.

    Lovell JM, Mylius J, Scheich H, Brosch M. 2015. Stimulation of the dopaminergic midbrain as a behavioral reward in instrumentally conditioned monkeys. Brain Stimulation. 8(5):868-874.

    Mylius J, Happel MFK, Gorkin AG, Huang Y, Scheich H, Brosch M. 2015. Fast transmission from the dopaminergic ventral midbrain to the sensory cortex of awake primates. Brain Structure and Function. 220(6):3273-3294.

    Selezneva E, Gorkin A, Budinger E, Brosch M. 2018. Neuronal correlates of auditory streaming in the auditory cortex of behaving monkeys. European Journal of Neuroscience. 48(10):3234-3245.

    Selezneva E, Oshurkova E, Scheich H, Brosch M. 2017. Category-specific neuronal activity in left and right auditory cortex and in medial geniculate body of monkeys. PLoS ONE. 12(10).


    Alle Publikationen der Gruppe


    Dar AH, Wagner AS, Hanke M. 2021. REMoDNaV: robust eye-movement classification for dynamic stimulation. Behavior Research Methods. 53(1):399-414.

    Hajizadeh A, Matysiak A, Brechmann A, König R, May PJC. 2021. Why do humans have unique auditory event-related fields? Evidence from computational modeling and MEG experiments. Psychophysiology. 58(4):Article e13769.

    Heil P, Mohamed ESI, Matysiak A. 2021. Towards a unifying basis of auditory thresholds: Thresholds for multicomponent stimuli. Hearing Research. 410:Article 108349.

    Occhigrossi C, Brosch M, Giommetti G, Panichi R, Ricci G, Ferraresi A, Roscini M, Pettorossi VE, Faralli M. 2021. Auditory perception is influenced by the orientation of the trunk relative to a sound source. Experimental Brain Research. 239(4):1223-1234.

    Selezneva E, Brosch M, Rathi S,Vighneshvel T, Wetzel N. 2021. Comparison of Pupil Dilation Responses to Unexpected Sounds in Monkeys and Humans. Frontiers in Psychology. 12:Article 754604.

    Sielużycki C, Matysiak A, König R, Iskander DR. 2021. Reducing the Number of MEG/EEG Trials Needed for the Estimation of Brain Evoked Responses: A Bootstrap Approach. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering. 68(7):2301-2312.




    Aggelopoulos NC, Deike S, Selezneva E, Scheich H, Brechmann A, Brosch M. 2020. Predictive cues for auditory stream formation in humans and monkeys. European Journal of Neuroscience. 51(5):1254-1264.

    Deane KE, Brunk MGK, Curran AW, Zempeltzi MM, Ma J, Lin X, Abela F, Aksit S, Deliano M, Ohl FW, Happel MFK. 2020. Ketamine anaesthesia induces gain enhancement via recurrent excitation in granular input layers of the auditory cortex. Journal of Physiology. 598(13):2741-2755.

    Heil P, Matysiak A. 2020. Absolute auditory threshold: Testing the absolute. European Journal of Neuroscience. 51(5):1224-1233.

    Huang Y, Brosch M. 2020. Associations between sounds and actions in primate prefrontal cortex. Brain Research. 1738:Article 146775.

    Knyazeva S, Selezneva E, Gorkin A, Ohl FW, Brosch M. 2020. Representation of Auditory Task Components and of Their Relationships in Primate Auditory Cortex. Frontiers in Neuroscience. 14:Article 306.

    Pepłowski A, Rathi S, Piotrkowski B, Ziółkowski R, Janczak D, Krzemiński J, Brosch M, Jakubowska M. 2020. Electrochemistry of Graphene Nanoplatelets Printed Electrodes for Cortical Direct Current Stimulation. Frontiers in Neuroscience. 14:Article 594235.



    Ataide EJG, Ziegle J, Kalmar M, Rathi S, Shukla S, Boese A, Friebe M. 2019. Feasibility and initial results of assisted ultrasound scan acquisition for improved tomographic visualization. In 2019 IEEE 16th India Council International Conference, INDICON 2019 - Symposium Proceedings. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. Article 9030358.

    Hajizadeh A, Matysiak A, May PJC, König R. 2019. Explaining event-related fields by a mechanistic model encapsulating the anatomical structure of auditory cortex. Biological Cybernetics. 113(3):321-345.

    Huang Y, Heil P, Brosch M. 2019. Associations between sounds and actions in early auditory cortex of nonhuman primates. eLife. 8:Article e43281.

    Huang Y, Lu H, Li L. 2019. Human scalp evoked potentials related to the fusion between a sound source and its simulated reflection. PLoS ONE. 14(1):Article e0209173.

    Macharadze T, Budinger E, Brosch M, Scheich H, Ohl FW, Henschke JU. 2019. Early Sensory Loss Alters the Dendritic Branching and Spine Density of Supragranular Pyramidal Neurons in Rodent Primary Sensory Cortices. Frontiers in neural circuits. 13:Article 61.

    Rathi S, Deckert M, Brinkhues S, Detert M, Shukla SM, Brosch M, Schmidt B. 2019. PEDOT:PSS as a transparent electrically conducting polymer for brain stimulation electrodes. In 2019 IEEE 16th India Council International Conference, INDICON 2019 - Symposium Proceedings. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. Article 9030320.

    Wu S, Tao S, Zhang L, Ma J, Tang X, Wang L, Zuo F, Li J. 2019. The effects of family groups on individual foraging behavior in reed voles (Microtus fortis). Shengtai Xuebao/ Acta Ecologica Sinica. 39(13):4966-4974.



    Herrmann T, Liebig T, Mallow J, Bruns C, Stadler J, Mylius J, Brosch M, Svedja JT, Chen Z, Rennings A, Scheich H, Plaumann M, Hauser MJB, Bernarding J, Erni D. 2018. Metamaterial-based transmit and receive system for whole-body magnetic resonance imaging at ultra-high magnetic fields. PLoS ONE. 13(1).

    Knyazeva S, Selezneva E, Gorkin A, Aggelopoulos NC, Brosch M. 2018. Neuronal correlates of auditory streaming in monkey auditory cortex for tone sequences without spectral differences. Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience. 12.

    Selezneva E, Gorkin A, Budinger E, Brosch M. 2018. Neuronal correlates of auditory streaming in the auditory cortex of behaving monkeys. European Journal of Neuroscience. 48(10):3234-3245.



    Aggelopoulos NC. 2017. Electrical nerve stimulation and central microstimulation. In Neuromethods. Humana Press Inc. pp. 141-153. (Neuromethods).

    Hakonen M, May PJC, Jääskeläinen IP, Jokinen E, Sams M, Tiitinen H. 2017. Predictive processing increases intelligibility of acoustically distorted speech: Behavioral and neural correlates. Brain and Behavior. 7(9).

    Heil P, Matysiak A, Neubauer H. 2017. A probabilistic Poisson-based model accounts for an extensive set of absolute auditory threshold measurements. Hearing Research. 353:135-161.

    Kordowski P,Matysiak A, König R, Sielużycki C. 2017. Simultaneous spatio-temporal matching pursuit decomposition of evoked brain responses in MEG. Biological Cybernetics. 111(1):69-89.

    Selezneva E, Oshurkova E, Scheich H, Brosch M. 2017. Category-specific neuronal activity in left and right auditory cortex and in medial geniculate body of monkeys. PLoS ONE. 12(10).



    Alho J, Green BM, May PJC, Sams M, Tiitinen H, Rauschecker JP, Jääskeläinen IP. 2016. Early-latency categorical speech sound representations in the left inferior frontal gyrus. NeuroImage. 129:214-223.

    Deliano M, Tabelow K, König R, Polzehl J. 2016. Improving accuracy and temporal resolution of learning curve estimation for within- and across-session analysis. PLoS ONE. 11(6).

    Hakonen M, May P, Alho J, Alku P, Jokinen E, Jääskeläinen IP, Tiitinen H. 2016. Previous exposure to intact speech increases intelligibility of its digitally degraded counterpart as a function of stimulus complexity. NeuroImage. 125:131-143.

    Huang Y, Brosch M. 2016. Neuronal activity in primate prefrontal cortex related to goal-directed behavior during auditory working memory tasks. Brain Research. 1640(Pt B):314-327.

    Huang Y, Matysiak A, Heil P, König R, Brosch M. 2016. Persistent neural activity in auditory cortex is related to auditory working memory in humans and nonhuman primates. eLife. 5(JULY).

    Huang Y, Mylius J, Scheich H, Brosch M. 2016. Tonic effects of the dopaminergic ventral midbrain on the auditory cortex of awake macaque monkeys. Brain Structure and Function. 221(2):969-977.

    Kaiser J, Brosch M. 2016. Neural correlates of auditory working memory. Brain Research. 1640:181-182.

    Westö J, May PJC. 2016. Capturing contextual effects in spectro-temporal receptive fields. Hearing Research. 339:195-210.



    Aggelopoulos NC. 2015. Perceptual inference. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews. 55:375-392.

    Brosch M, Selezneva E, Scheich H. 2015. Neuronal activity in primate auditory cortex during the performance of audiovisual tasks. European Journal of Neuroscience. 41(5):603-614.

    Budinger E, Brechmann A, Brosch M, Heil P, König R, Ohl FW, Scheich H. 2015. Auditory cortex 2014 - towards a synthesis of human and animal research. European Journal of Neuroscience. 41(5):515-517.

    Herrmann T, Mallow J, Plaumann M, Luchtmann M, Stadler J, Mylius J, Brosch M, Bernarding J. 2015. The travelling-wave Primate System: A new solution for magnetic resonance imaging of macaque monkeys at 7 tesla ultra-high field. PLoS ONE. 10(6).

    König R, Matysiak A, Kordecki W, Sieluzycki C, Zacharias N, Heil P. 2015. Averaging auditory evoked magnetoencephalographic and electroencephalographic responses: A critical discussion. European Journal of Neuroscience. 41(5):631-640.

    Lovell JM, Mylius J, Scheich H, Brosch M. 2015. Stimulation of the dopaminergic midbrain as a behavioral reward in instrumentally conditioned monkeys. Brain Stimulation. 8(5):868-874. Available from:

    Mylius J, Happel MFK, Gorkin AG, Huang Y, Scheich H, Brosch M. 2015. Fast transmission from the dopaminergic ventral midbrain to the sensory cortex of awake primates. Brain Structure and Function. 220(6):3273-3294. Available from:



    Brosch M. 2014. Associations and rewards in auditory cortex. Jaeger D, Jung R, editors. In Encyclopedia of computational Neuroscience. Berlin: Springer. Available from: 10.1007/978-1-4614-7320-6_105-4

    Lovell JM, Mylius J, Scheich H, Brosch M. 2014. Hearing in action; auditory properties of neurons in the red nucleus of alert primates. Frontiers in Neuroscience. (8 MAY). Available from:

    Sielużycki C, Kordowski P. 2014. Maximum-likelihood estimation of channel-dependent trial-to-trial variability of auditory evoked brain responses in MEG. BioMedical Engineering Online. 13(1). Available from:



    Brosch M, Budinger E, Scheich H. 2013. Different Synchronization Rules in Primary and Nonprimary Auditory Cortex of Monkeys. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 25(9):1517-1526.

    Budinger E, Brosch M, Scheich H, Mylius J. 2013. The subcortical auditory structures in the Mongolian gerbil: II. Frequency-related topography of the connections with cortical field AI. Journal of Comparative Neurology. 521(12):2772-2797.

    Hoefer M, Tyll S, Kanowski M, Brosch M, Schoenfeld MA, Heinze HJ, Noesselt T. 2013. Tactile stimulation and hemispheric asymmetries modulate auditory perception and neural responses in primary auditory cortex. NeuroImage. 79:371-382.

    Matysiak A, Kordecki W, Sieluzycki C, Zacharias N, Heil P, König R. 2013. Variance stabilization for computing and comparing grand mean waveforms in MEG and EEG. Psychophysiology. 50(7):627-639.

    Mallow J, Herrmann T, Kim KN, Stadler J, Mylius J, Brosch M, Bernarding J. 2013. Ultra-high field MRI for primate imaging using the travelling-wave concept. Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology, and Medicine. 26(4):389-400.

    Mylius J, Brosch M, Scheich H, Budinger E. 2013. Subcortical auditory structures in the mongolian gerbil: I. Golgi architecture. Journal of Comparative Neurology. 521(6):1289-1321.

    Selezneva E, Deike S, Knyazeva S, Scheich H, Brechmann A, Brosch M. 2013. Rhythm sensitivity in macaque monkeys. Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience. 7(SEP).

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