LIN Personal

Dr. Elena Azanon



Leibniz-Institut für Neurobiologie
Brenneckestr. 6
39118 Magdeburg
Telefon: +49 391 6263 92301
ORCID: 0000-0001-9543-1222

  • Publikationen


    Shahzad I, Occelli V, Giraudet E, Azañón E, Longo MR, Mouraux A, Collignon O. 2025. How visual experience shapes body representation. Cognition. 254:Article 105980.

    Myga KA, Azañón E, Ambroziak KB, Ferrè ER, Longo MR. 2024. Haptic experience of bodies alters body perception. Perception. 53(10):716-729.

    Reeder RR, Pounder Z, Figueroa A, Jüllig A, Azañón E. 2024. Non-visual spatial strategies are effective for maintaining precise information in visual working memory. Cognition. 251:Article 105907.

    Klemm L, Kuehn E, Kalyani A, Schreiber S, Reichert C, Azañón E. 2024. Age-related differences in finger interdependence during complex hand movements. Journal of applied physiology. 137(1):181-193.

    Myga KA, Kuehn E, Azañón E. 2024. How the inner repetition of a desired perception changes actual tactile perception. Scientific Reports. 14(1):Article 3072.

    Kalyani A, Contier O, Klemm L, Azañon E, Schreiber S, Speck O, Reichert C, Kuehn E. 2023. Reduced dimension stimulus decoding and column-based modeling reveal architectural differences of primary somatosensory finger maps between younger and older adults. NeuroImage. 283:Article 120430.

    Tucciarelli R, Ferrè ER, Amoruso E, Azañón E, Longo MR. 2023. Gravitational and Retinal Reference Frames Shape Spatial Memory. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General. 152(12):3433-3439.

    Monzel M, Dance C, Azañón E, Simner J. 2023. Aphantasia within the framework of neurodivergence: Some preliminary data and the curse of the confidence gap. Consciousness and Cognition. 115:Article 103567.

    Ambroziak KB, Bofill MA, Azañón E, Longo MR. 2023. Perceptual aftereffects of adiposity transfer from hands to whole bodies. Experimental Brain Research. 241(9):2371-2379.

    Ganesan S, Melnik N, Azanon E, Pollmann S. 2023. A gaze-contingent saccadic re-referencing training with simulated central vision loss. Journal of Vision. 23(1):1-25.

    Jeschke M, Drewing K, Azanon E. 2023. The Tactile Distance Aftereffect Transfers to Roughness Perception. In 2023 IEEE World Haptics Conference (WHC). IEEE. pp. 8-13. (2023 IEEE World Haptics Conference, WHC 2023 - Proceedings).

    Hidaka S, Tucciarelli R, Azañón E, Longo MR. 2022. Tilt adaptation aftereffects reveal fundamental perceptual characteristics of tactile orientation processing on the hand. Journal of experimental psychology. Human perception and performance. 48(12):1427-1438.

    Reichert C, Klemm L, Mushunuri RV, Kalyani A, Schreiber S, Kuehn E, Azañón E. 2022. Discriminating Free Hand Movements Using Support Vector Machine and Recurrent Neural Network Algorithms. Sensors. 22(16):1-12.

    Reichert C, Klemm L, Kalyani A, Schreiber S, Kühn E, Azañón E. 2022. Finger kinematics of natural hand movements recorded by an exoskeleton data glove in younger and elderly persons. Magdeburg: Universitätsbibliothek. [Data sets].

    Chander BS, Deliano M, Azañón E, Büntjen L, Stenner M-P. 2022. Non-invasive recording of high-frequency signals from the human spinal cord. NeuroImage. 253:Article 119050.

    Myga KA, Kuehn E, Azanon E. 2022. Autosuggestion: a cognitive process that empowers your brain?. Experimental Brain Research. 240(2):381-394.

    Buentjen L, Vicheva P, Chander BS, Beccard S-A, Coutts C, Azañón E, Stenner M-P, Deliano M. 2021. Spatial Filtering of Electroencephalography Reduces Artifacts and Enhances Signals Related to Spinal Cord Stimulation (SCS). Neuromodulation : journal of the International Neuromodulation Society. 24(8):1317-1326.

    Mainka T, Azañón E, Zeuner KE, Knutzen A, Bäumer T, Neumann W-J, Borngräber F, Kühn AA, Longo MR, Ganos C. 2021. Intact Organization of Tactile Space Perception in Isolated Focal Dystonia. Movement Disorders. 36(8):1949-1955.

    Longo MR, Amoruso E, Calzolari E, Ben Yehuda M, Haggard P, Azañón E. 2020. Anisotropies of tactile distance perception on the face. Attention, Perception, and Psychophysics. 82(7):3636-3647.

    Hidaka S, Tucciarelli R, Azañón E, Longo MR. 2020. Tactile distance adaptation aftereffects do not transfer to perceptual hand maps. Acta Psychologica. 208:Article 103090.

    Azañón E, Tucciarelli R, Siromahov M, Amoruso E, Longo MR. 2020. Mapping visual spatial prototypes: Multiple reference frames shape visual memory. Cognition. 198:104199.

    Ambroziak KB, Azañón E, Longo MR. 2019. Body Size Adaptation Alters Perception of Test Stimuli, Not Internal Body Image. Frontiers in Psychology. 10:Article 2598.

    Romano D, Tamé L, Amoruso E, Azañón E, Maravita A, Longo MR. 2019. The standard posture of the hand. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance. 45(9):1164-1173.

    Tavacioglu EE, Azañón E, Longo MR. 2019. Perceptual Distortions of 3-D Finger Size. Perception. 48(8):668-684.

    Azañón E, Longo MR. 2019. Tactile Perception: Beyond the Somatotopy of the Somatosensory Cortex. Current Biology. 29(9):R322-R324.

    Tamè L, Azañón E, Longo MR. 2019. A conceptual model of tactile processing across body features of size, shape, side, and spatial location. Frontiers in Psychology. 10(FEB):291.

    Azañón E, Camacho K, Morales M, Longo MR. 2018. The Sensitive Period for Tactile Remapping Does Not Include Early Infancy. Child Development. 89(4):1394-1404.

    Calzolari E, Azañón E, Danvers M, Vallar G, Longo MR. 2017. Adaptation aftereffects reveal that tactile distance is a basic somatosensory feature. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 114(17):4555-4560.

    Ambroziak KB, Azañón E, Longo MR. 2017. Eating and body image: Does food insecurity make us feel thinner?. Behavioral and Brain Sciences. 40:14-15.

    Azañón E, Mihaljevic K, Longo MR. 2016. A three-dimensional spatial characterization of the crossed-hands deficit. Cognition. 157:289-295.

    Azañón E, Radulova S, Haggard P, Longo MR. 2016. Does the crossed-limb deficit affect the uncrossed portions of limbs?. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance. 42(9):1320-1331.

    Filbrich L, Torta DM, Vanderclausen C, Azañón E, Legrain V. 2016. Using temporal order judgments to investigate attention bias toward pain and threat-related information. Methodological and theoretical issues. Consciousness and Cognition. 41:135-138.

    Azanõn E, Tamè L, Maravita A, Linkenauger SA, Ferrè ER, Tajadura-Jiménez A, Longo MR. 2016. Multimodal Contributions to Body Representation. Multisensory Research. 29(6):635-661.

    Heed T, Azañón E. 2014. Using time to investigate space: A review of tactile temporal order judgments as a window onto spatial processing in touch. Frontiers in Psychology. 5(FEB):Article Article 76.

    Soto-Faraco S, Azañón E. 2013. Electrophysiological correlates of tactile remapping. Neuropsychologia. 51(8):1584-1594.

    Overvliet KE, Azañón E, Soto-Faraco S. 2011. Somatosensory saccades reveal the timing of tactile spatial remapping. Neuropsychologia. 49(11):3046-3052.

    Lloyd DM, Azañón E, Poliakoff E. 2010. Right hand presence modulates shifts of exogenous visuospatial attention in near perihand space. Brain and Cognition. 73(2):102-109.

    Azañón E, Camacho K, Soto-Faraco S. 2010. Tactile remapping beyond space. European Journal of Neuroscience. 31(10):1858-1867.

    Longo MR, Azañón E, Haggard P. 2010. More than skin deep: Body representation beyond primary somatosensory cortex. Neuropsychologia. 48(3):655-668.

    Azañón E, Longo MR, Soto-Faraco S, Haggard P. 2010. The posterior parietal cortex remaps touch into external space. Current Biology. 20(14):1304-1309.

    Azañón E, Haggard P. 2009. Somatosensory processing and body representation. Cortex. 45(9):1078-1084.

    Azañón E, Soto-Faraco S. 2008. Changing Reference Frames during the Encoding of Tactile Events. Current Biology. 18(14):1044-1049.

    Azañón E, Soto-Faraco S. 2007. Alleviating the 'crossed-hands' deficit by seeing uncrossed rubber hands. Experimental Brain Research. 182(4):537-548.

    Sinnett S, Juncadella M, Rafal R, Azañón E, Soto-Faraco S. 2007. A dissociation between visual and auditory hemi-inattention: Evidence from temporal order judgements. Neuropsychologia. 45(3):552-560.
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