LIN Personal

Hanna Zwaka


Verhaltensbiologische Neurowissenschaften

Leibniz-Institut für Neurobiologie
Brenneckestr. 6
39118 Magdeburg
Telefon: +49 391 6263 93441
ORCID: 0000-0002-4469-5719

  • Publikationen


    Krishnan K, Muthukumar A, Sterrett S, Pflitsch P, Fairhall A, Fishman M, Bahl A, Zwaka H, Engert F. 2024. Attentional Switching in Larval Zebrafish: The Attentive Leaky Integrator. Research Square.

    Kraus A, Garcia B, Ma J, Herrera KJ, Zwaka H, Harpaz R, Wong RY, Engert F, Salinas I. 2023. Olfactory detection of viruses shapes brain immunity and behavior in zebrafish. (bioRxiv).

    Zwaka H, McGinnis OJ, Pflitsch P, Prabha S, Mansinghka V, Engert F, Bolton AD. 2022. Visual object detection biases escape trajectories following acoustic startle in larval zebrafish. Current Biology. 32(23):5116-5125.e3.

    Zwaka H, Bartels R, Lehfeldt S, Jusyte M, Hantke S, Menzel S, Gora J, Alberdi R, Menzel R. 2019. Learning and Its Neural Correlates in a Virtual Environment for Honeybees. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience. 12:279.

    Michels B, Zwaka H, Bartels R, Lushchak O, Franke K, Endres T, Fendt M, Song I, Bakr M, Budragchaa T, et al. 2018. Memory enhancement by ferulic acid ester across species. Science advances. 4(10):Article eaat6994.

    Zwaka H, Bartels R, Grünewald B, Menzel R. 2018. Neural Organization of A3 Mushroom Body Extrinsic Neurons in the Honeybee Brain. Frontiers in Neuroanatomy. 12:57.

    Haenicke J, Yamagata N, Zwaka H, Nawrot M, Menzel R. 2018. Neural Correlates of Odor Learning in the Presynaptic Microglomerular Circuitry in the Honeybee Mushroom Body Calyx. eNeuro. 5(3):Article e0128-18.2018.

    Zwaka H, Münch D, Manz G, Menzel R, Rybak J. 2016. The circuitry of olfactory projection neurons in the brain of the honeybee, Apis mellifera. Frontiers in Neuroanatomy. 10(SEP):Article 90.

    Zwaka H, Bartels R, Gora J, Franck V, Culo A, Götsch M, Menzel R. 2015. Context odor presentation during sleep enhances memory in honeybees. Current Biology. 25(21):2869-2874.

    Schallschmidt K, Becker R, Zwaka H, Menzel R, Johnen D, Fischer-Tenhagen C, Rolff J, Nehls I. 2015. In vitro cultured lung cancer cells are not suitable for animal-based breath biomarker detection. Journal of breath research. 9(2):027103.
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