LIN Personal

Prof. Dr. Jens-Max Hopf



Leibniz-Institut für Neurobiologie
Brenneckestr. 6
39118 Magdeburg
Telefon: +49 391 6263 92321
ORCID: 0000-0002-5790-9800

  • Publikationen


    Schulz M-C, Bartsch MV, Merkel C, Strumpf H, Schoenfeld MA, Hopf J-M. 2024. Parallel gain modulation mechanisms set the resolution of color selectivity in human visual cortex. Science advances. 10(37):Article eadm7385.

    Darna M, Stolz C, Jauch H-S, Strumpf H, Hopf J-M, Seidenbecher C, Schott B, Richter A. 2024. Frontal Theta Oscillations and Cognitive Flexibility: Age-Related Modulations in EEG Activity. bioRxiv.

    Merkel C, Hopf J-M, Schoenfeld MA. 2024. Location- and Object-based representational mechanisms account for bilateral field advantage in multiple object tracking. eNeuro. 11(3):Article ENEURO.0519-23.2024.

    Merkel C, Burgmann L, Bartsch MV, Schoenfeld MA, Hopf J-M. 2023. Serial attentional resource allocation during parallel feature value tracking. eLife. 12:Article e91183.

    Bartsch MV, Merkel C, Strumpf H, Schoenfeld MA, Tsotsos JK, Hopf J-M. 2023. A cortical zoom-in operation underlies covert shifts of visual spatial attention. Science advances. 9(10):eade7996.

    Merkel C, Hopf J-M, Schoenfeld MA. 2022. Electrophysiological hallmarks of location-based and object-based visual multiple objects tracking. European Journal of Neuroscience. 55(5):1200-1214.

    Merkel C, Bartsch MV, Schoenfeld MA, Vellage A-K, Müller NG, Hopf J-M. 2021. A direct neural measure of variable precision representations in visual working memory. Journal of Neurophysiology. 126(4):1430-1439.

    Bartsch MV, Merkel C, Schoenfeld MA, Hopf J-M. 2021. Attention expedites target selection by prioritizing the neural processing of distractor features. Communications biology. 4(1):Article 814.

    Ilse A, Donohue SE, Schoenfeld MA, Hopf JM, Heinze H-J, Harris JA. 2020. Unseen food images capture the attention of hungry viewers: Evidence from event-related potentials. Appetite. 155:Article 104828.

    Donohue SE, Schoenfeld MA, Hopf J-M. 2020. Parallel fast and slow recurrent cortical processing mediates target and distractor selection in visual search. Communications biology. 3(1):Article 689.

    Reichert C, Dürschmid S, Bartsch MV, Hopf J-M, Heinze H-J, Hinrichs H. 2020. Decoding the covert shift of spatial attention from electroencephalographic signals permits reliable control of a brain-computer interface. Journal of Neural Engineering. 17(5):056012.

    Merkel C, Hopf J-M, Schoenfeld MA. 2020. Modulating the global orientation bias of the visual system changes population receptive field elongations. Human Brain Mapping. 41(7):1765-1774.

    Donohue SE, Harris JA, Loewe K, Hopf J-M, Heinze H-J, Woldorff MG, Schoenfeld MA. 2020. Electroencephalography reveals a selective disruption of cognitive control processes in craving cigarette smokers. European Journal of Neuroscience. 51(4):1087-1105.

    Vellage A-K, Müller P, Schmicker M, Hopf J-M, Müller NG. 2019. High Working Memory Capacity at the Cost of Precision?. Brain Sciences. 9(9):Article 210.

    Garcia-Lazaro HG, Bartsch MV, Boehler CN, Krebs RM, Donohue SE, Harris JA, Schoenfeld MA, Hopf J-M. 2019. Dissociating Reward- and Attention-driven Biasing of Global Feature-based Selection in Human Visual Cortex. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 31(4):469-481.

    Donohue SE, Weinhold S, Schoenfeld MA, Quian Quiroga R, Hopf J-M. 2019. A neural hallmark of auditory implicit learning is altered in older adults. PLoS ONE. 14(1):Article e0211468.

    Bartsch MV, Donohue SE, Strumpf H, Schoenfeld MA, Hopf JM. 2018. Enhanced spatial focusing increases feature-based selection in unattended locations. Scientific Reports. 8(1):Article 16132.

    Merkel C, Hopf JM, Schoenfeld MA. 2018. Spatial elongation of population receptive field profiles revealed by model-free fMRI back-projection. Human Brain Mapping. 39(6):2472-2481.

    Donohue SE, Bartsch MV, Heinze HJ, Schoenfeld MA, Hopf JM. 2018. Cortical mechanisms of prioritizing selection for rejection in visual search. Journal of Neuroscience. 38(20):4738-4748.

    Bartsch MV, Loewe K, Merkel C, Heinze HJ, Schoenfeld MA, Tsotsos JK, Hopf JM. 2017. Attention to color sharpens neural population tuning via feedback processing in the human visual cortex hierarchy. Journal of Neuroscience. 37(43):10346-10357.

    Merkel C, Hausmann J, Hopf JM, Heinze HJ, Buentjen L, Schoenfeld MA. 2017. Active prosthesis dependent functional cortical reorganization following stroke. Scientific Reports. 7(1):Article 8680.

    Büntjen L, Hopf JM, Merkel C, Voges J, Knape S, Heinze HJ, Schoenfeld MA. 2017. Somatosensory misrepresentation associated with chronic pain: Spatiotemporal correlates of sensory perception in a patient following a complex regional pain syndrome spread. Frontiers in Neurology. 8(APR):Article 142.

    Merkel C, Hopf JM, Schoenfeld MA. 2017. Spatio-temporal dynamics of attentional selection stages during multiple object tracking. NeuroImage. 146:484-491.

    Donohue SE, Woldorff MG, Hopf JM, Harris JA, Heinze HJ, Schoenfeld MA. 2016. An electrophysiological dissociation of craving and stimulus-dependent attentional capture in smokers. Cognitive, Affective and Behavioral Neuroscience. 16(6):1114-1126.

    Vellage AK, Becke A, Strumpf H, Baier B, Schönfeld MA, Hopf JM, Müller NG. 2016. Filtering and storage working memory networks in younger and older age. Brain and Behavior. 6(11):Article e00544.

    Harris JA, Donohue SE, Schoenfeld MA, Hopf JM, Heinze HJ, Woldorff MG. 2016. Reward-associated features capture attention in the absence of awareness: Evidence from object-substitution masking. NeuroImage. 137:116-123.

    Strumpf H, Noesselt T, Schoenfeld MA, Voges J, Panther P, Kaufmann J, Heinze HJ, Hopf JM. 2016. Deep brain stimulation of the pedunculopontine tegmental nucleus (PPN) influences visual contrast sensitivity in human observers. PLoS ONE. 11(5):Article e0155206.

    Donohue SE, Hopf JM, Bartsch MV, Schoenfeld MA, Heinze HJ, Woldorff MG. 2016. The rapid capture of attention by rewarded objects. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 28(4):529-541.

    Bombeke K, Duthoo W, Mueller SC, Hopf JM, Boehler CN. 2016. Pupil size directly modulates the feedforward response in human primary visual cortex independently of attention. NeuroImage. 127:67-73.

    Krebs RM, Hopf JM, Boehler CN. 2015. Within-trial effects of stimulus-reward associations. In Motivation and Cognitive Control. Taylor and Francis Inc. pp. 65-82.

    Schevernels H, Bombeke K, Van der Borght L, Hopf JM, Krebs RM, Boehler CN. 2015. Electrophysiological evidence for the involvement of proactive and reactive control in a rewarded stop-signal task. NeuroImage. 121:115-125.

    Bartsch MV, Boehler CN, Stoppel CM, Merkel C, Heinze HJ, Schoenfeld MA, Hopf JM. 2015. Determinants of Global Color-Based Selection in Human Visual Cortex. Cerebral Cortex. 25(9):2828-2841.

    Merkel C, Hopf JM, Heinze HJ, Schoenfeld MA. 2015. Neural correlates of multiple object tracking strategies. NeuroImage. 118:63-73.

    Becke A, Müller N, Vellage A, Schoenfeld MA, Hopf JM. 2015. Neural sources of visual working memory maintenance in human parietal and ventral extrastriate visual cortex. NeuroImage. 110:78-86.

    Barleben M, Stoppel CM, Kaufmann J, Merkel C, Wecke T, Goertler M, Heinze HJ, Hopf JM, Schoenfeld MA. 2015. Neural correlates of visual motion processing without awareness in patients with striate cortex and pulvinar lesions. Human Brain Mapping. 36(4):1585-1594.

    Hopf JM, Schoenfeld MA, Buschschulte A, Rautzenberg A, Krebs RM, Boehler CN. 2015. The modulatory impact of reward and attention on global feature selection in human visual cortex. Visual Cognition. 23(1-2):229-248.

    Boehler CN, Schevernels H, Hopf JM, Stoppel CM, Krebs RM. 2014. Reward prospect rapidly speeds up response inhibition via reactive control. Cognitive, Affective and Behavioral Neuroscience. 14(2):593-609.

    Buschschulte A, Boehler CN, Strumpf H, Stoppel C, Heinze HJ, Schoenfeld MA, Hopf JM. 2014. Reward-and attention-related biasing of sensory selection in visual cortex. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 26(5):1049-1065.

    Schoenfeld MA, Hopf JM, Merkel C, Heinze HJ, Hillyard SA. 2014. Object-based attention involves the sequential activation of feature-specific cortical modules. Nature Neuroscience. 17(4):619-624.

    Merkel C, Stoppel CM, Hillyard SA, Heinze HJ, Hopf JM, Schoenfeld MA. 2014. Spatio-temporal patterns of brain activity distinguish strategies of multiple-object tracking. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 26(1):28-40.

    Stoppel CM, Vielhaber S, Eckart C, Machts J, Kaufmann J, Heinze HJ, Kollewe K, Petri S, Dengler R, Hopf JM, et al. 2014. Structural and functional hallmarks of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis progression in motor- and memory-related brain regions. NeuroImage: Clinical. 5:277-290.

    Hopf JM, Heinze HJ, Boehler CN. 2013. Profiling the Spatial Focus of Visual Attention. In Cognitive Electrophysiology of Attention: Signals of the Mind. Elsevier. pp. 3-15.

    Stoppel CM, Boehler CN, Strumpf H, Krebs RM, Heinze HJ, Hopf JM, Schoenfeld MA. 2013. Distinct representations of attentional control during voluntary and stimulus-driven shifts across objects and locations. Cerebral Cortex. 23(6):1351-1361.

    Strumpf H, Mangun GR, Boehler CN, Stoppel C, Schoenfeld MA, Heinze HJ, Hopf JM. 2013. The role of the pulvinar in distractor processing and visual search. Human Brain Mapping. 34(5):1115-1132.

    Bonath B, Tyll S, Budinger E, Krauel K, Hopf JM, Noesselt T. 2013. Task-demands and audio-visual stimulus configurations modulate neural activity in the human thalamus. NeuroImage. 66:110-118.

    Kau S, Strumpf H, Merkel C, Stoppel CM, Heinze HJ, Hopf JM, Schoenfeld MA. 2013. Distinct neural correlates of attending speed vs. coherence of motion. NeuroImage. 64(1):299-307.

    Boehler CN, Hopf JM, Stoppel CM, Krebs RM. 2012. Motivating inhibition - reward prospect speeds up response cancellation. Cognition. 125(3):498-503.

    Bondarenko R, Boehler CN, Stoppel CM, Heinze HJ, Schoenfeld MA, Hopf JM. 2012. Separable mechanisms underlying global feature-based attention. Journal of Neuroscience. 32(44):15284-15295.

    Stoppel CM, Boehler CN, Strumpf H, Krebs RM, Heinze HJ, Hopf JM, Schoenfeld MA. 2012. Spatiotemporal dynamics of feature-based attention spread: Evidence from combined electroencephalographic and magnetoencephalographic recordings. Journal of Neuroscience. 32(28):9671-9676.

    Hopf JM, Boehler CN, Schoenfeld MA, Mangun GR, Heinze HJ. 2012. Attentional Selection for Locations, Features, and Objects in Vision. In The Neuroscience of Attention: Attentional Control and Selection.

    Boehler CN, Appelbaum LG, Krebs RM, Hopf JM, Woldorff MG. 2012. The influence of different Stop-signal response time estimation procedures on behavior-behavior and brain-behavior correlations. Behavioural Brain Research. 229(1):123-130.

    Stoppel CM, Boehler CN, Strumpf H, Heinze HJ, Noesselt T, Hopf JM, Schoenfeld MA. 2011. Feature-based attention modulates direction-selective hemodynamic activity within human MT. Human Brain Mapping. 32(12):2183-2192.

    Schoenfeld MA, Hassa T, Hopf JM, Eulitz C, Schmidt R. 2011. Neural correlates of hysterical blindness. Cerebral Cortex. 21(10):2394-2398.

    Boehler CN, Schoenfeld MA, Heinze HJ, Hopf JM. 2011. Object-based selection of irrelevant features is not confined to the attended object. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 23(9):2231-2239.

    Boehler CN, Tsotsos JK, Schoenfeld MA, Heinze HJ, Hopf JM. 2011. Neural mechanisms of surround attenuation and distractor competition in visual search. Journal of Neuroscience. 31(14):5213-5224.

    Stoppel CM, Boehler CN, Strumpf H, Heinze HJ, Hopf JM, Schoenfeld MA. 2011. Neural processing of reward magnitude under varying attentional demands. Brain Research. 1383:218-229.

    Boehler CN, Hopf JM, Krebs RM, Stoppel CM, Schoenfeld MA, Heinze HJ, Noesselt T. 2011. Task-load-dependent activation of dopaminergic midbrain areas in the absence of reward. Journal of Neuroscience. 31(13):4955-4961.

    Boehler CN, Bunzeck N, Krebs RM, Noesselt T, Schoenfeld MA, Heinze H-J, Münte TF, Woldorff MG, Hopf JM. 2011. Substantia nigra activity level predicts trial-to-trial adjustments in cognitive control. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 23(2):362-373.

    Fenker DB, Heipertz D, Boehler CN, Schoenfeld MA, Noesselt T, Heinze HJ, Duezel E, Hopf JM. 2010. Mandatory processing of irrelevant fearful face features in visual search. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 22(12):2926-2938.

    Boehler CN, Appelbaum LG, Krebs RM, Hopf JM, Woldorff MG. 2010. Pinning down response inhibition in the brain - Conjunction analyses of the Stop-signal task. NeuroImage. 52(4):1621-1632.

    Hopf JM, Boehler CN, Schoenfeld MA, Heinze HJ, Tsotsos JK. 2010. The spatial profile of the focus of attention in visual search: Insights from MEG recordings. Vision Research. 50(14):1312-1320.

    Krebs RM, Woldorff MG, Tempelmann C, Bodammer N, Noesselt T, Boehler CN, Scheich H, Hopf JM, Duzel E, Heinze HJ, et al. 2010. High-field fMRI reveals brain activation patterns underlying saccade execution in the human superior colliculus. PLoS ONE. 5(1):e8691.

    Schoenfeld MA, Hopf JM. 2010. The attentional selection in visual search within short-term memory representations. Frontiers in Neuroscience. 4(MAY).

    Stoppel CM, Boehler CN, Strumpf H, Heinze HJ, Hopf JM, Düzel E, Schoenfeld MA. 2009. Neural correlates of exemplar novelty processing under different spatial attention conditions. Human Brain Mapping. 30(11):3759-3771.

    Heinze HJ, Heldmann M, Voges J, Hinrichs H, Marco-Pallares J, Hopf JM, Müller UJ, Galazky I, Sturm V, Bogerts B, et al. 2009. Counteracting incentive sensitization in severe alcohol dependence using deep brain stimulation of the nucleus accumbens: Clinical and basic science aspects. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 3(SEP):Article 22.

    Galazky I, Schütze H, Noesselt T, Hopf JM, Heinze HJ, Schoenfeld MA. 2009. Attention to somatosensory events is directly linked to the preparation for action. Journal of the Neurological Sciences. 279(1-2):93-98.

    Boehler CN, Tsotsos JK, Schoenfeld MA, Heinze HJ, Hopf JM. 2009. The center-surround profile of the focus of attention arises from recurrent processing in visual cortex. Cerebral Cortex. 19(4):982-991.

    Boehler CN, Münte TF, Krebs RM, Heinze HJ, Schoenfeld MA, Hopf JM. 2009. Sensory MEG responses predict successful and failed inhibition in a stop-signal task. Cerebral Cortex. 19(1):134-145.

    Hopf J-M, Heinze H-J, Schoenfeld A, Hillyard SA. 2009. Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Visual Attention. Gazzaniga CS, editor. In The Cognitive Neurosciences . 4th ed. ed. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. pp. 235-250.

    Boehler CN, Schoenfeld MA, Heinze HJ, Hopf JM. 2008. Rapid recurrent processing gates awareness in primary visual cortex. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 105(25):8742-8747.

    Jiang Y, Boehler CN, Nönnig N, Düzel E, Hopf JM, Heinze HJ, Schoenfeld MA. 2008. Binding 3-D object perception in the human visual cortex. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 20(4):553-562.

    Stoppel CM, Boehler CN, Sabelhaus C, Heinze HJ, Hopf JM, Schoenfeld MA. 2007. Neural mechanisms of spatial- and feature-based attention: A quantitative analysis. Brain Research. 1181(1):51-60.

    Schoenfeld MA, Hopf JM, Martinez A, Mai HM, Sattler C, Gasde A, Heinze HJ, Hillyard SA. 2007. Spatio-temporal analysis of feature-based attention. Cerebral Cortex. 17(10):2468-2477.

    Hopf JM, Luck SJ, Boelmans K, Schoenfeld MA, Boehler CN, Rieger J, Heinze HJ. 2006. The neural site of attention matches the spatial scale of perception. Journal of Neuroscience. 26(13):3532-3540.

    Hopf JM, Boehler CN, Luck SJ, Tsotsos JK, Heinze HJ, Schoenfeld MA. 2006. Direct neurophysiological evidence for spatial suppression surrounding the focus of attention in vision. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 103(4):1053-1058.

    Hopf JM, Schoenfeld MA, Heinze HJ. 2005. The temporal flexibility of attentional selection in the visual cortex. Current Opinion in Neurobiology. 15(2):183-187.

    Hopf JM, Noesselt T, Tempelmann C, Braun J, Schoenfeld MA, Heinze HJ. 2004. Popout modulates focal attention in the primary visual cortex. NeuroImage. 22(2):574-582.

    Hopf JM, Boelmans K, Schoenfeld MA, Luck SJ, Heinze HJ. 2004. Attention to Features Precedes Attention to Locations in Visual Search: Evidence from Electromagnetic Brain Responses in Humans. Journal of Neuroscience. 24(8):1822-1832.

    Hopf JM, Luck SJ, Girelli M, Hagner T, Mangun GR, Scheich H, Heinze HJ. 2000. Neural sources of focused attention in visual search. Cerebral Cortex. 10(12):1233-1241.
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