LIN Personal

Dr. Stefan Dürschmid


Zelluläre Neurowissenschaften

Leibniz-Institut für Neurobiologie
Brenneckestr. 6
39118 Magdeburg
Telefon: +49 391 6263 92311
ORCID: 0000-0001-6686-976X

  • Publikationen


    Reintsema LH, Sweeney-Reed CM, Dürschmid S, Hinrich H, Reichert C. 2024. SSVEP-based covert communication using hyperscanning. In Proceedings of the 9th Graz Brain-Computer Interface Conference 2024: Join Forces - Increase Performance. Graz: Verlag der Technischen Universität Graz. pp. 207-211.

    Krueger J, Krauth R, Reichert C, Perdikis S, Vogt S, Huchtemann T, Dürschmid S, Sickert A, Lamprecht J, Huremovic A, et al. 2024. Hebbian plasticity induced by temporally coincident BCI enhances post-stroke motor recovery. Scientific Reports. 14(1):Article 18700.

    Reichert C, Sweeney-Reed CM, Hinrichs H, Dürschmid S. 2024. A toolbox for decoding BCI commands based on event-related potentials. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 18:Article 1358809.

    Schmid P, Reichert C, Bartsch MV, Dürschmid S. 2024. Broadband high frequency Activity initializes Distractor Suppression. bioRxiv.

    Weischner T, Che X, Schmid P, Reichert C, Scholz A, Knight RT, Dürschmid S. 2024. Physical activity modulates early visual response and improves target detection in humans. bioRxiv. (bioRxiv).

    Che X, Auer B, Schmid P, Reichert C, Scholz A, Weischner T, Knight RT, Dürschmid S. 2024. Physical Exercise Improves Working Memory through Ripple-Spindle Coupling. bioRxiv.

    Reichert C, Dürschmid S, Sweeney-Reed CM, Hinrichs H. 2023. EEG recordings comprising evoked potentials related to attention to colored laminar stimuli. Zenodo. [Data sets].

    Krueger J, Krauth R, Reichert C, Perdikis S, Vogt S, Huchtemann T, Dürschmid S, Sickert A, Lamprecht J, Huremovic A, et al. 2022. Functional electrical stimulation driven by a brain–computer interface in acute and subacute stroke patients impacts beta power and long-range temporal correlation. In 2022 IEEE Workshop on Complexity in Engineering (COMPENG). IEEE.

    Reichert C, Dürschmid S, Sweeney-Reed CM, Hinrichs H. 2022. Visual spatial attention shifts decoded from the electroencephalogram enable sending of binary messages. In 2022 IEEE Workshop on Complexity in Engineering (COMPENG). IEEE.

    Eckert D, Reichert C, Bien CG, Heinze H-J, Knight RT, Deouell LY, Dürschmid S. 2022. Distinct interacting cortical networks for stimulus-response and repetition-suppression. Communications biology. 5(1):Article 909.

    Dürschmid S, Maric A, Kehl MS, Knight RT, Hinrichs H, Heinze H-J. 2021. Fronto-temporal regulation of subjective value to suppress impulsivity in intertemporal choices. Journal of Neuroscience. 41(8):1727-1737.

    Wienke C, Bartsch M, Vogelgesang L, Reichert C, Hinrichs H, Heinze H-J, Dürschmid S. 2021. Mind-wandering Is Accompanied by Both Local Sleep and Enhanced Processes of Spatial Attention Allocation. Cerebral Cortex Communications. 2(1):Article tgab001.

    Reichert C, Tellez Ceja IF, Sweeney-Reed CM, Heinze H-J, Hinrichs H, Dürschmid S. 2020. Impact of Stimulus Features on the Performance of a Gaze-Independent Brain-Computer Interface Based on Covert Spatial Attention Shifts. Frontiers in Neuroscience. 14:591777.

    Reichert C, Tellez Ceja IF, Dürschmid S. 2020. Spatial attention shifts to colored items - an EEG-based brain-computer interface. Magdeburg: Otto von Guericke University Library, Magdeburg, Germany. [Data sets].

    Reichert C, Dürschmid S, Bartsch MV, Hopf J-M, Heinze H-J, Hinrichs H. 2020. Decoding the covert shift of spatial attention from electroencephalographic signals permits reliable control of a brain-computer interface. Journal of Neural Engineering. 17(5):056012.

    Vogelgesang L, Reichert C, Hinrichs H, Heinze HJ, Dürschmid S. 2020. Early Shift of Attention Is Not Regulated by Mind Wandering in Visual Search. Frontiers in Neuroscience. 14:Article 552637.

    Krueger J, Reichert C, Dürschmid S, Krauth R, Vogt S, Huchtemann T, Lindquist S, Lamprecht J, Sailer M, Heinze HJ, et al. 2020. Rehabilitation nach Schlaganfall: Durch Gehirn-Computer-Schnittstelle vermittelte funktionelle Elektrostimulation. Klinische Neurophysiologie. 51(3):144-155.

    Reichert C, Dürschmid S, Hinrichs H. 2020. EEG als Steuersignal: Gehirnaktivität entschlüsseln und effizient als Kommunikationsmittel für Patienten mit motorischen Defiziten nutzen. Klinische Neurophysiologie. 51(3):161-166.

    Dürschmid S, Reichert C, Walter N, Hinrichs H, Heinze H-J, Ohl FW, Tononi G, Deliano M. 2020. Self-regulated critical brain dynamics originate from high frequency-band activity in the MEG. PLoS ONE. 15(6):e0233589.

    Beck A-K, Sandmann P, Dürschmid S, Schwabe K, Saryyeva A, Krauss JK. 2020. Neuronal activation in the human centromedian-parafascicular complex predicts cortical responses to behaviorally significant auditory events. NeuroImage. 211:Article 116583.

    Dürschmid S, Reichert C, Kuhn J, Freund HJ, Hinrichs H, Heinze HJ. 2020. Deep brain stimulation of the nucleus basalis of Meynert attenuates early EEG components associated with defective sensory gating in patients with Alzheimer disease - a two-case study. European Journal of Neuroscience. 51(5):1201-1209.

    Dürschmid S, Reichert C, Hinrichs H, Heinze H-J, Kirsch HE, Knight RT, Deouell LY. 2019. Direct Evidence for Prediction Signals in Frontal Cortex Independent of Prediction Error. Cerebral Cortex. 29(11):4530-4538.

    Reichert C, Heinze N, Pfeiffer T, Dürschmid S, Hinrichs H. 2018. P63. Detection of error potentials from EEG and MEG recordings and its value for BMI control. Clinical Neurophysiology. 129(8):e93.

    Reichert C, Dürschmid S, Heinze HJ, Hinrichs H. 2017. A comparative study on the detection of covert attention in event-related EEG and MEG signals to control a BCI. Frontiers in Neuroscience. 11(OCT):Article 575.

    Stenner MP, Dürschmid S, Rutledge RB, Zaehle T, Schmitt FC, Kaufmann J, Voges J, Heinze HJ, Dolan RJ, Schoenfeld MA. 2016. Perimovement decrease of alpha/beta oscillations in the human nucleus accumbens. Journal of Neurophysiology. 116(4):1663-1672.

    Dürschmid S, Edwards E, Reichert C, Dewar C, Hinrichs H, Heinze HJ, Kirsch HE, Dalal SS, Deouell LY, Knight RT. 2016. Hierarchy of prediction errors for auditory events in human temporal and frontal cortex. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 113(24):6755-6760.

    Reichert C, Dürschmid S, Kruse R, Hinrichs H. 2016. An efficient decoder for the recognition of event-related potentials in high-density MEG recordings. Computers. 5(2):Article 5.

    Dürschmid S, Zaehle T, Hinrichs H, Heinze HJ, Voges J, Garrido MI, Dolan RJ, Knight RT. 2016. Sensory Deviancy Detection Measured Directly Within the Human Nucleus Accumbens. Cerebral Cortex. 26(3):1168-1175.

    Reichert C, Dürschmid S, Hinrichs H, Kruse R. 2015. Efficient recognition of event-related potentials in high-density MEG recordings. In 2015 7th Computer Science and Electronic Engineering Conference, CEEC 2015 - Conference Proceedings. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. pp. 81-86.

    Dürschmid S, Quandt F, Krämer UM, Hinrichs H, Heinze HJ, Schulz R, Pannek H, Chang EF, Knight RT. 2014. Oscillatory dynamics track motor performance improvement in human cortex. PLoS ONE. 9(2):Article e89576.

    Dürschmid S, Zaehle T, Kopitzki K, Voges J, Schmitt FC, Heinze HJ, Knight RT, Hinrichs H. 2013. Phase-amplitude cross-frequency coupling in the human nucleus accumbens tracks action monitoring during cognitive control. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 7(OCT):Article 635.

    Quandt F, Reichert C, Schneider B, Dürschmid S, Richter D, Hinrichs H, Rieger JW. 2012. Grundlagen und Anwendung von Brain-Machine Interfaces (BMI) *. Klinische Neurophysiologie. 43(2):158-167.

    Busch NA, Dürschmid S, Herrmann CS. 2010. ERP effects of change localization, change identification, and change blindness. NeuroReport. 21(5):371-375.
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    2022 - 2024 (DFG)
    SFB 1436 TP A03: Neurale Ressourcenallokation durch räumliche Gedächtnisschaltung im Hinblick auf fortschreitende pathologische Herausforderungen

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