About our guest: Michael Schleyer studied Biology and Neuroscience at the JMU Würzburg. During his PhD phase, he worked at the JMU Würzburg and the University of Leipzig. He was PostDoc at the LIN until March 2022 and then he started his own group as an assistant professor in Japan. His interest is in how brains integrate past experiences, the current situation, and future needs to decide what to do. He works with an animal with an extremely small brain - the larva of the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster.
About the Career Talk: During the career talk, he will tell about his personal career from LIN postdoc to assistant professor and will give some insights into the Japanese system. Furthermore, he addresses the importance flexibility, mobility and internationality in research. The Career Talk will be in English, but questions afterwards can also be asked in German.
Registration via email to Verena Walterbach (Scientific Career Development Officer), verena.walterbach(at)lin-magdeburg.de