From September 20 to 24, 2021, for the sixth time our NWG (German Neuroscience Society) microscopy course will take place at the Leibniz Institute for Neurobiology. This time titled "Imaging Techniques in Neuroscience" the focus of the course broadens a little and also includes in-vivo 2photon microscopy.
The course will focus on hands-on introductions into advanced imaging techniques to study neuronal function. In total the course covers techniques such as live cell imaging of the synaptic function, super-resolution STED, lightsheet microscopy (including clearing methods, 2photon microscopy, calcium imaging, FLIM/FRET, 2D/3D image analysis and deconvolution. In small groups you will learn how to optimally use these techniques, and you can address your individual questions and topics. Each course day is completed by a talk of an expert about state-of-the-art developments in the respective microscopy technique.
Everyone interested and with a respective background is cordially invited. The participation fee is 100 EUR per person and does not include travel expenses and accomodation. If you would like to join the course please register via email to cni-reg(at)