We are happy to invite you to our next onLINe seminar talk that will take place on Friday, December 2, 2022, at 2pm in the Ebbinghaus seminar room, as well as online.
Dr. Joyce Poon (Managing director of the MPI for Microstructure Physics / Halle) presents:
Multifunctional neural probes with integrated nanophotonics
Here is the link to join the meeting online: https://ovgu.zoom.us/j/61510195887 Meeting ID: 615 1019 5887 Passcode: 324077
Looking forward to seeing many of you there!
Your onLINe Organizers
Optical actuation and imaging of genetically targeted neuron types have emerged as powerful tools to map neural activity, enabling all-optical readout and control of neural circuits. Integrated photonics and microsystems have the potential to substantially miniaturize today’s microscopy and fiber optic tools to enable new types of interfaces to the brain.
In this talk, I will present our team’s work on implantable neural probes with integrated nanophotonic circuits, surface electrodes, and microfluidic channels. The technologies are fabricated at scale in a silicon photonic foundry on 200mm diameter silicon wafers. The probes are used for optogenetic stimulation, light-sheet imaging, electrophysiology, and chemical sensing or drug delivery. I will also discuss our progress on the supporting hardware and components essential for the chips to be practical for deployment in neurobiology labs. The goal of this research is the creation of a set of microchip-based tools to enable high spatial density and multi-modal brain activity mapping.
Joyce Poon is the Managing Director at the Max Planck Institute of Microstructure Physics, Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Toronto, and an Honorary Professor in the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the Technical University of Berlin. She currently serves as a Director-at-Large for Optica (formerly the Optical Society, OSA). She and her team specialize in integrated photonics on silicon.
Prof. Poon obtained the Ph.D. and M.S. in Electrical Engineering from Caltech in 2007 and 2003 respectively, and the B.A.Sc. in Engineering Science (physics option) from the University of Toronto in 2002. Recognitions she has received include a Canada Research Chair (2012-2019), ECE Department Teaching Award (2017), OFC Top-Scored Paper (2017), the McCharles Prize for Early Research Career Distinction (2013), MIT TR35 (2012), and the IBM Faculty Award (2010, 2011). She is an Optica Fellow (formerly OSA) and a Fellow of the IEEE.